Hi I've recently been diagnosed with uterine cancer after having a hysteroscopy.
I'm 62 no period for 10 years then had a few days of a light bleed.
My gp fast tracked me for tests I've prolapses so they found it difficult at first to see but eventually it showed thick lining and polpoids she took biopsy
Two weeks later got a call to see the gyno and she told me I had stage one slow moving scheduled for hysterectomy two weeks later but I panicked as I'm looking after my daughter who has been having ts of tests this past year she's 22 still having tests the gyno said he would give me progesterone tablets to slow progress so I said give me maybe five weeks to get this settled for my daughter I'v now got my pre assessment for two weeks time and I've now convinced myself I won't get the op even if I want to because I've just had my bloods done not had done for years as my hubby died and I jus didn't want to know if I had anything wrong I needed to focus on my daughter as she self harmed etc for years and I put lots of weight on so i feel they will find a reason i carnt have a hysterectom and i hate myself right now being like this when my daughter needs me im so scared