Chemoradiation/brachytherapy for cervical cancer

Hi I'm new here, I've recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 2b. I've been told I need radiotherapy, chemotherapy and then brachytherapy. I'm 32 and absolutely terrified. I would love to know more about people's stories and mostly on brachytherapy as that's something I've never really heard about, I've read up on it but super scared. Good luck to you all and thankyou ️

  • Welcome to the community, Mummy32.
     I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis; it’s completely understandable to feel scared right now.
    If you insert the term "brachytherapy" into the search bar on the forum, you should find threads where people have shared their experiences, don’t be shy and join the conversations, our members are a friendly lot and I’m sure many will be happy to chat with you.
    Also, if you’d like to read more about the treatments for cervical cancer, I recommend checking this page from our website I’m including in this message.
    Other than that I just want to wish you good luck with your treatment and to mention we’re here for you as you go along.
    Best wishes,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator