So worried

Hi, basically my partner had his appendix removed in march this year and by incidental finding they found a mass (tumour) at the back of his abdomen attached to his kidney, fast forward to June he saw a urology consultant at a hospital not in our area, he had retroperitoneal lymph node disection end of July obviously sent the mass and a few lymph nodes from same area off to pathology they said, he’s now got go back see urology consultant on 3rd October for whatever reason but had a letter last week with an appointment for tomorrow to see an oncologist, does this mean definitely cancer? My partner is now 35 but had testicular cancer when he was 19 and was treated at the same hospital with that too. Any help I’m so worried as we go abroad on the 16th October too! 

  • Hello dowlk94,
    It’s completely understandable that you’re feeling anxious, especially with the upcoming appointments and all the uncertainty around what’s happening. Receiving letters like that can leave you with so many questions, and I can see why your mind is racing, particularly with your partner’s medical history and your holiday coming up.
    It’s good that your partner has these appointments lined up, but I know waiting for answers can be incredibly tough. Hopefully other members who can relate will be here shortly to share their stories with you and offer advice.
    Until then stay strong and remember our community is here for when you need a chat.
    Best wishes to you both,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator