Surgery or Chemotherapy first?

Hi I've been diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer grade 3. My question is the surgeon asked me if I wanted surgery of chemotherapy first can anyone advise? Please I really don't know which option is the best.  I am 58 and very over weight.  

  • Hi  

    What kind of surgery is your surgeon offering you?  Is it a lumpectomy or mastectomy?  My oncologist recommended chemo first to shrink the tumour so they could do breast conserving surgery.  I was very responsive to chemo and there was no visible tumour left by the end of 6 rounds of chemo and was fortunate that I only had to have the surrounding area of tissue removed in the breast to give a clear margin (and 2 lymph nodes for biopsy).  

    Each case of course is different.  Can you talk to your breast cancer nurse team? 

    Carol x

  • Hi Carol, it's a lumpectomy  he's recommending as my boob's are large enough for him to get the tumor out. I've just an awful fear the tumor will spread once he opens me up . I really don't know what to do for the best.