Biopsy Results

I have been waiting 6 weeks for Biopsy results. Has anyone else had to wait this long? It is incredibly stressful and I cannot believe that patients are expected to wait this long.

I had three biopsies taken on July 26th 2024, and before the biopsy results were back,  a cancer consultant told me that based on his examination and having reviewed the mammogram and ultrasound scans, I definitely had breast cancer. My biopsy results came back on 20th August 2024. I was then told that these biopsy results indicated that I had high grade non Hodgkins Lymphoma, and I had been referred to the Haematology Team at the Cancer Hospital. I have been informed that the Haematology Team are conducting their own tests on my initial biopsies to determine what type of Lymphoma I have. Why is it taking them so long for my Biopsy results to come back? It is not acceptable to cause patients this much stress and worry. It is making my mental health worse.

  • Hello Yvette2024,

    As you can imagine, health services and equipment are in high demand so sometimes things can take time, but if this has gone beyond your doctor's suggested time to wait, I'd suggest you chase this up with the Haematology team. It does sound like further investigation is needed and it seems like that is happening after initial indications, but unfortunately, you want know much until the doctors can confirm what they've found. 

    When you’re worried about cancer, it's natural to be worried, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor.  

    I hope you hear more soon,  

    Moderator Anastasia