
I’ve had an endoscopy and the results have come back as Paris O-11a/c lesion with features of deep sub mucosal invasion. I’ve had two sets of biopsies which showed high grade dysplasia and I don’t know if to have the endoscopic resection or the oesophagectomy surgery

  • Hello Ratcliffe,

    No doubt you will have further appointments to discuss your best options. Treatments usually have pros and cons, so it's a good idea to discuss this with your medical team. It might also help to write down the questions you might have and take them with you to your next appointment. There is information endoscopic surgery for oesophageal cancer and surgery to remove the oesophagus on our website. I hope this will be useful to you.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • I’ve already seen both consultants. First one about endoscopic resection the second consultant about full surgery to remove part of oesophagus    One is saying endoscopic resection may not be curative the other saying have resection then if not got it all then have full surgery.   The operation is very complex and takes about one year to fully recover.   I’ve read all about both options .  If the consultants can’t agree what’s best , what chance have I got to choose.      Could do with talking to someone who have had these treatments