Breast cancer stage 2 her 2

I was diagnosed on the 12th of August. I have two tumours and have since been told that the larger of the two has tendrils growing from it. I guess that means it's showing a propensity to spread. I've been told I'll be having chemo before surgery and have had the mag seeds implanted.  Why hasn't my treatment started? My mental health has nosedive,  I'm losing weight and jumping at shadows . They tell me it's urgent and that I'm "top of the list ". Which list is that exactly? 

.I can feel myself getting sicker.

  • Hi there.

    I was diagnosed on 23rd August. Stage 2 Ductal .her2 negative. I have provisional date for surgery in mid October. I was shocked as that feels a long way away but they assured the growth spurt isn't that quick and they don't get overly concerned. It's very hard to not worry and be positive but please try to find something to help you over this wait time.  If your feeling your getting poorly ring your breast care nurse. I've rang a few times to talk about things on my mind. They are very supportive and will listen and help.  On a good story a family member was diagnosed last year .chemo first and them surgery similar timescales to mine and yours . They are currently cancer free all treatment completed and look amazing .  Here to chat if you need to . Also lots of support on here sure you will read and hear lots of positive reassuring  stories of others journeys. The waiting is definitely hard. Stay strong xxx

  • Hi Chessi, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I too felt stressed in the early days. I was diagnosed in January with invasive ductal carcinoma, two tumours, one with lobular tendencies. My chemo didn't start until the fourth of March and finished in early July. I am due to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction in early October. So there has been a bit of waiting, but I have every faith in my team and try to be a positive as I can. I wish you well on your journey moving forward.  Xx

  • Thank you  for your positive response xx

  • Thankyou for your positive reply xx