Mum is diagnosed with amyloidosis then myeloma,she is too weak and old to get chemotherapy. What is her life expectancy?


I am quite far ftom my mum, in order to see her I will have to make arrangements.

She has been diagnosed with above recently and I have no clue how much time she has. Would someone help me please?

  • No one can give you an answer to this. Everyone's cancer is individual. There's people even on here that were given a poor prognosis as far as the passage of time goes, yet they're still here months and even years later. Those treating your mum would be better placed to give you an estimate because they're directly involved in her care, but even those prognoses will be guesses.

    You're maybe better making those visit arrangements sooner rather than later just in case, because whilst it's cliché, put something off, you might live to regret it.

  • Offline in reply to ProfBaw

    Thanks for your advise. Now it make sense why oncologist is unable to answer this question. I have made up my mind to see her soon now. Thanks again.