Ovarian cancer but too ill for hysterectomy or chemo

Hi All

My wonderful mum who is 70 has just found out she has ovarian cancer, well highly suspected. 

Looking at MRI scan it doesn’t look like it’s spread.

However they’ve said as it’s very close to her bowel they don’t want to do a biopsy.

Plus that’s she’s too poorly to have a hysterectomy and chemotherapy. 

So what does this mean for her? We have a meeting in a couple of weeks.

But I’m just wondering if they can’t treat what will they do? Is there anyone else in this position.

I am so upset and can’t stop crying 

  • Hi Tyson82, it's such a hard time for you both. The best thing to do is just support your lovely mum as best you can.

    I've read alot on Ovarian cancer as I'm currently diagnosed with it. I have had surgery. Although I'm sure there are some treatments available prior to surgery to shrink cancers in the hope of being able to do surgery.

    I would suggest any questions you have write them down prior to your appointment with your mum. I didn't do that and didn't remeber to ask anythjng when I got to my appointment 

    Wishing you both luck with the appointment 

    Magz x