Grade 3 Breast Cancer


So 10 days ago I wrote a post to say I’d had a biopsy and breast markers, and was waiting for results. My worst fears came true and I’ve been diagnosed with grade 3 Invasive ductal carcinoma.

Im in shock, petrified and feel like im watching someone else’s life at the moment. Im 49, celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary in 4 days and have 17 year old twins. 

Ive had to go for an mri yesterday and having another biopsy next week to determine whether i have chemo before they operate or operate first. 
It just feels completely surreal. 

I’ve been reading my consultants notes and it says I have KI 67 80-85% HR2 negative. If anyone has any experience of anything similar to what I’ve written I’d love to hear from you.

In just a few days my life has turned upside down x


  • Hello YogiBoo

    I'm so sorry to hear that your recent biopsy results have shown positive for breast cancer. Undoubtedly this news will have turned your world upside down and it's natural that you are experiencing a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions at the moment. 

    It's good to hear that the team already have your additional tests in hand and hopefully, it won't be too long before you have a treatment plan in place. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be difficult. It may help to give our nurses a call and talk things through with them. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that you and your partner and family are still able to celebrate your anniversary this week. Keeping busy and trying to have a positive mindset will undoubtedly help you over the coming weeks and months as you take on this journey. 

    Keep in touch YogiBoo. We're here to offer any support and help that we can. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator