Squamous cell carcinoma of vocal cord

I went over a year problems ear pain, sore throat, feeling of food stuck throat, choking on tiny bits of food.

My GP practice kept telling me it was probably viral, then gave me ear drops for ear pain oral solution tongue claiming I had oral thrush.

I had enough one day in March and demanded a locum gp refer me to maxillofacial for a check up as a few years back I had a 20x20cm benign tumour in submandibular gland so gland was removed with tumour in 2019.

Maxillofacial saw me quite quickly, referred me to ENT head and neck where performed nasendoscopy didn't look right he said I had a small swell left vocal cord..operation and biopsy 


6TH August operation  transoral something laser to cut burn away cancer..

I had infection another nasendoscopy 3 weeks after cancer removed  and told its over granulation more than expected and was white I think so another operation and more biopsies!!!

17th Sept I am due to have more biopsies and he is going to have a good look he says. My gut is telling me I may need a bit more treatment. 

Do you have any advice????

  • Hello Mentalist

    I'm sorry to hear about all that you've been through over the past few months and that you're waiting for more biopsies next week. It's understandable that this may be a worrying time and that you perhaps have questions and concerns about what comes next. 

    I'd suggest giving our team of nurses a call to talk things through with them ahead of your appointment on the 17th. I'm sure they will be happy to offer any advice and information they can as well as help you think about any questions you might want to as the ENT specialist. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I do hope that you get some clarity on things next week and that the team are able to give you some reassurance as well. Do keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator