
Hi.  I’ve had my surgery for triple negative breast cancer.  The tumour has been successful removed and hasn’t spread to lymph nodes.  I’m about to start a course of chemo as a preventative measure.  Can anyone put my mind at rest with tips on side effects of chemo.  Thank you.

  • Hi Mau79, I have invasive ductal carcinoma and I'm Er+; PR+ and her2+, with 1 affected lymph node. I'm now waiting for a mastectomy with reconstruction in early October. It was decided that I needed my chemo first and completed it at the beginning of July. As our cancers are different , I'm not sure which chemo you will be on. I was put on EC-T (the T for me was docetaxel). I got through chemo with minimal side effects, apart from losing my hair, which started growing back before my last chemo. If you ghave anything you would like to know, feel free to ask. Hope all goes well. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Hi.  I think that’s the one I’m going to have.  So reassuring to hear that you had minimal side effects.  You hear such horrible stories sometimes.  Thank you so much.  I hope your surgery goes well take care. 

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Thank you for your reply and for reassuring me about side effects.  I think that I’m having the same as you so hopefully mine won’t be too bad to.  I appreciate your reply and hope that your surgery goes well.  Take care

  • Offline in reply to Mau79

    Sorry for replying twice.  Thought my first reply didn’t come through!! 

  • Offline in reply to Mau79

    Hi, thank you, I am a little anxious about the surgery. More so about the long recovery period, than the surgery itself. Glad to hear you feel a bit more reassured. Would suggest drinking plenty of water after chemo. I also started walking every day, which has been great and helped ne keep a positive mindset. I cut alcohol and have been eating really healthily. I have been using a product called polybalm, to prevent nail damage. If you want further information on this, you can go on YouTube or Google Polybalm. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    That’s really helpful thanks.  I had a lumpectomy and can honestly say I had very little pain and discomfort.  They removed a couple of lymph nodes to check them.  It was the smallest incision but was slightly more painful.  After a couple of weeks I felt completely back to normal.  I’ll Google Polybalm thanks.  Think I’m going to get a wig!  Do you have a date for surgery?  

  • Offline in reply to Mau79

    Hi Mau79, good to hear that your surgery went well and you had little pain. I've got a couple of nice wigs and quite a few hats. I have surgery on the 8th of October and going for my pre op assessment on Moday. We're going on holiday for a couple of weeks to chill out for a bit before surgery. When do you start your chemo?

  • Offline in reply to Pippin24

    Haven’t got a date yet as I have to have an echocardiogram to make sure my heart is ok for the treatment.  I’ve been looking at wigs not sure where to get one.  Good luck for you surgery. 

  • Offline in reply to Mau79

    I also have to have echocardiograms every 3 months to check on heart, so far no issues. Your oncology department should usually be able to recommend shops in your area for wigs. If not  perhaps put a message on the forum, asking for recommendations in your area. Xx