How is everyone getting on?

Just wondered how we were all doing…I see the oncologist tmz with a view to staring radiotherapy. 

  • Hi AliG, 

    How did your appointment go yesterday? Did you get any more information about when you might be starting radiotherapy

    I hope all went well and that the meeting with the oncologist was productive and you have more of an idea as to what to expect.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello! It went well I think…I’m going to have x3 brachytherapy sessions in a few weeks time;!my cancer had progressed to a stage two because it had started to grow into my cervix. The oncologist seemed to be of the opinion that I was mostly likely cured and that the brachytherapy was a dotting I and crossing t thing to do. I hadn’t hit me until yesterday whilst in the oncology department that I’ve been seriously unwell…thankfully not as unwell as many more people.