Recently diagnosed stage 3 breast cancer and worried about spread

Hi, I was diagnosed with ER Positive HER2 Negative stage three grade 2 breast cancer which has spread to lymph nodes under left arm. I have yet to have treatment plan as I just had CT scan yesterday, further biopsies last week and am having a bone scan on 9th September. I am absolutely terrified. I have three children 15,14 and 10 and I just want to be around for them. Since my initial biopsy on 2nd August I have felt so bloated. I have a niggle in upper right abdomen so I have myself worried sick that it has spread. I’m really scared to get results. I so wish it had been found at an earlier stage and I just wondered if anyone out there is in similar position. I’ve been trying to tell myself that stress could be causing this discomfort but I’m not sure xo

  • Hi Sam and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with ER Positive HER2 Negative stage three grade 2 breast cancer which has spread to your lymph nodes under your left arm.

    This anxious period of testing and waiting can be incredibly difficult but our community are here for you Sam and I'm sure you will hear back from some of our members who have been on this journey soon.

    If you'd like to discuss any of this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're really easy to talk to and will do all they can to address your concerns and put your mind at ease until you know more.

    We're thinking of you Sam and wishing you all the best with your bone scan next week. 

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator