Stupid question: how long would the hospital stay be on average for rectal cancer?

How long would the hospital stay be on average for rectal cancer ? This is playing on the mind! I know how long is a piece of string…. Best and worst case? I know it’s surgery but not sure of what? 

  • Hi Bobs-mum, 

    This is not at all a stupid question and I hope that other members who have had to go to hospital for rectal cancer will be able to tell you more about how long their hospital stay was. Do you have any other information about the type of surgery you will be having? There is detailed information on our website on surgery for rectal cancer and on the types of surgery you may be having, Find out more too about preparing for surgery. It might be worth getting in touch with your medical team and asking them the exact name of the surgery you will be having and how long the average hospital stay for this type of surgery tends to be. 

    You could also ring our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to answer questions you may have on rectal cancer and the surgery you may be having. 

    I hope the procedure will go well for you and that you recover quickly from it. Hopefully you will hear from others who have been in a similar place before and they will drop by and share their rectal surgery experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • My friend with rectal cancer was in hospital forv5 days- laproscopic sylurgery, had a stoma for about a year then a reversal. I was in hospital for 8 days - open surgery and a right hemicolectomy. I discharged myself early as hospital care was poor.

    It will depend on the person and aftercare .