Do I tell? Skin specialist doctor thinks I have BCC but waiting for biopsy to confirm

I’ve just been told by a skin specialist doctor that I need a punch biopsy but he’s almost definite that I have a BCC. If the biopsy confirms, a surgery will remove it and all should be well. 

My husband said I should not tell anyone as it would only worry them, it will be treated soon and gone.  I have been keeping quiet for 2 weeks since the initial skin check doctor referred me due to a suspicious BCC growth. I was going to tell my sisters but now feel guilty especially as one has terminal cancer and my possible bcc is so small in comparison.

is it selfish of me to tell people?  

  • Should I wait until I get the biopsy back could be another 10 weeks. My mums just had a similar biopsy and it has made me apprehensive about the process. 

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Mary-Louise although I'm sorry to hear that you're currently waiting for a punch biopsy to find out if you have a BCC.

    I know this must be a very stressful and worrying time, especially if you feel you can't talk to your family about this. It's not selfish to want to talk to them about this, but only you can decide whether telling them is the right thing to do at this moment in time.

    It's a tricky decision for sure, but hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will be along soon to offer their thoughts and advice.

    Waiting for tests and results is always very tough, but we are here for you Mary-Louise and will have our fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks so much for replying. I feel less alone. I think my husband is more able to ignore things and I know he wouldn’t bother telling anyone but I’m different and get anxious easily. My sisters and I usually share everything so I may just confide once I get the biopsy back. Feels like a lot of scary googling time between now and then. Thanks again.