GrannyH - recently diagnosed with lung cancer

Recently confirmed earl lung cancer. Waiting on biopsy results. likely treatment Radiotherapy just wanted to know what the regime is for radiotherapy is it staggered or all at once over a time period ?

  • Hello N-Hurley,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it's encouraging to hear that it seems to have been caught early. It is usually staggered, but you'll have a planning appointment where your radiotherapy team will talk to you about how you much you'd need and how long for. I encourage you to note down any questions you have prior to this meeting and take them with you so you feel prepared. You can look at our information on radiation for lung cancer on our website, which I hope will be useful for you.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Thankyou for the info.  My consultant said it’s small 18mm and caught early so as you say that’s encouraging it’s just waiting on biopsy results seems to be taking ages but it’s only couple of weeks ut fingers crossed I’ll hear soon and be able to start treatment asap  Thankyou