Liver mets (primary tumour was in the colon)

Does anyone have experience of positive outcomes of secondary liver mets? Primary tumour was in the colon , which has been removed

  • Hello Mgill, 

    I hope that you will hear from the experiences of others on the forum who have had positive outcomes of secondary liver mets and I hope you won't mind but I have edited your title slightly to include the fact that the primary tumour was in the colon. This will hopefully make it easier for others who have had a similar diagnosis to see your post and reply with their personal experiences. 

    I am not sure whether you have been told yet what your treatment options might be but there is information on our website on treatment for bowel cancer that has spread to the liver and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I will now let our members come and say hello and tell you more about their experience with secondary liver mets. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Mgill,

                      l am ten years on from colon cancer with spread to the Liver and fit and active. You do not' mention if the possibility of surgery would be an option for the Liver mets

    Although l lost 60% of my liver l was fortunate that the tumours were sited just far enough away from other vital components and  allowed just enough clear margins to have them surgically removed. l am aware that this might not be the case for everyone, so treatments there would involve Chemo/ Radiotherapy to control or shrink the mets. which l also had.

    l hope your wife continues to improve and put this behind you both,


  • Hi Mgill

    i have four liver mets primary tumour is in colon they are removing all by surgery in November have spoken to a few people who have had liver resection and positive outcomes.
