Waiting on oncotype results

Have stage 3 grade 3 ductal breast cancer with 1 lymph node cancerous. Tumour was 49mm. Had Mastectomy, lymp node removal and reconstruction 4 weeks ago. I’m 54 and post menopausal. The wait on the oncotype results is driving me crazy. Cant think of anything else. Wondering will i need chemo or not? Anyone in a similar situation please? Thanks ️ 

  • Hi CarolAR and welcome to the forum.

    I'm really glad to hear your mastectomy and breast reconstruction has gone well although I'm sorry about the anxious wait you now have for your oncotype results.

    Many of our members have been where you are now CarolAR, so you are not alone, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice.

    If you would like to discuss any of this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease about anything else that is playing on your mind.

    We're sending you all our support Carol and will have our fingers crossed for good news when your results come through.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator