how do I continue living with Prostrate cancer, that was recently discovered during a medical check up?

Any advice as to how I can stop thinking of living with as deadly diseases. At times I feel it is the end of the world an I see myself in a grave and yet I am living.

  • Hi StephenWM,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot - it may be that you are still processing things at the moment. I'm not sure if you are still waiting to get more information and to potentially find out about next steps - if so, it may be helpful once you get this in terms of understanding what to expect.

    If you have any concerns or questions at all, be sure to talk things through with your doctor to get the information you need.

    Try to take things slowly, a day at time. Keep speaking to others where you can, as it's often helpful to talk. We are always here on the forum if ever you need it, and I hope that it can be useful for you. Do have a search for other relevant discussions and people to connect with on here, if you'd like to.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator