Very worried, but trying to stay positive

I have had some incidences where blood traces have been found in my urine, microscopic.  I am on steroids for pmr and UTI, s discomfort down below when urinating and treatment for vaginal thrush have all been on the agenda. I understand ppi's which i also take can cause problems with urine . 

Blood tests are all normal which is reassuring. 

However just on my last visit to GP. she said that I needed to be fast tracked for suspected bladder cancer ! 

In anycase I had a Ultrasound scan which showed no abnormalities, no obvious focal lesions (not sure what that term means ) but it seemed reassuring as well. 

However I have still been referred for cystoscopy.  which I am terrified about!  why do a camera check when the USS scan showed nothing ? 

I have a son with aspergers who is fretting himself about this situation.  I desperately worry for him as well. 

I feel completely well, I have had no symptoms of any bleeding when going to the toilet, so if I had not had the by chance urine test at the GP's none of this would have started. ! 

I can appreciate the rules and fast tracking protocol but this really has caused me a great deal of stress. of course I am hoping that the cystoscopy will be clear. 

has anyone else been in this position please ?  any comments or reassurance appreciated. thank you