My mum has just been diagnosed with advanced cancer

My mum kept her breast cancer a secret I only discovered she had a lump 7 months ago. She did not want to know what it is; I respected her wishes. Last week she finally could not take the pain in her shoulder. She was taken to hospital- where she still remains to this day. Tests revealed she has it in her breast,lungs,liver,pelvis,bones and spinal cord.

I am just worried about next steps she is an 83 year old who lives independently and does not want to go to a nursing home or a hospice. I am worried about what her care plan will look like.

  • Hello Reign1

    I'm sorry to hear about your Mum's diagnosis. It's obviously a difficult time for you all and natural that you will have concerns and questions about the next steps. 

    Do talk with the ward staff at the hospital about planning for your Mum's discharge. If she is going home, make sure that she is referred to the community palliative care team who will be able to help with many things. 

    If it would help to talk things through with one of our nurses for some advice and support, you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Sending you both my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you Jen.

    My mums journey is getting worse as a family we are impacted by mums Mental health aswell as the diagnosis. 

    Mum has been discharged from hospital everything seems to be falling into place with palliative care ;physios visiting to keep her mobile carers 3 x a day .

    She had an appointment  at the hospital this week I mentioned mums mood and behaviour to the consultant  I was told they are going to do another brain scan ,however when she was in hospital  they did a Ct Scan now they want to do a MR1 scan ,in case they missed something. 

    I am so grateful too everyone for there support I know my mum would be grateful also if she was in the right frame of mind .

    My mum was so independent  she kept it a secret for so long we were focusing more on her mental health for 2years ,however when I discovered  this lump 7months ago and her gp visited  her at  home myself and her gp   respected her wishes  that she did not want to know what it was

    I  actually got my mum back on track  mentally.

    Now we have this diagnosis I'm not sure if the diagnosis has impacted her mental health or the disease it's self is spreading to her brain .