My dad has a tumour in his oesophagus

Hi, so recently my dad has had issues eating and they found a tumour in his oesophagus 

it’s still very early days and he’s awaiting further consultations but I’m very worried since my Gramp passed away a year ago from cancer 

I just want to know if they can remove it will he be okay? Searching it up online it can be quite scary but would like to hear if other people have recovered from this? 

I struggle to talk with him and anyone about it so feel abit isolated right now

  • Hi, I'm same. Dad just diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Had meeting with surgeon today who said it's Stage 3. Dad will have 4 cycles of chemo, surgery in approx Nov, then more chemo. I was super pleased that PET scan didn't show any further spread (other than 2 lymph nodes we knew about from first CT) and it's operable, but looking into stage 3 now - doesn't make for very good reading. The statistics for 1/3/5 year survival is scary. He's 67.