Tummy pains after 5 day course of radiotherapy. Is this normal?

Hi, I have  recently finished a 5 day course of radio therapy on my  pelvis , now I'm getting strong tummy pain's is this normal  if so how long will they last thanks

  • Hi Phipps,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this discomfort. I'm not sure if you have reached out to your doctor since posting here - if not then it would be worth doing so as they will be best placed to advise.

    You are also welcome to call our nurses if you'd like to talk things through. If you'd like to do this, you can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Phipps

    Have you reached out to your radiotherapy team?  You should have been given contact details when you had your radiotherapy planning session.  They would be best placed to help I think. 

    Good luck.
