Waiting for liver resection surgery timeframe

Hi I have had confirmation that I need a liver resection to remove liver mets along with colon surgery does anyone know or had experience as to how long the wait is? 
has anyone been through this and can give advice on actual recovery time?

I am so worried about having the surgery and surviving it.

  • Hi Lappinsasha

    I am afraid that I cannot help you with regard to the colon surgery, however I am at present recovering from a liver resection.  I had my surgery only last Tuesday and I am already home and only needing paracetomal for the discomfort, I cannot really even call it pain, more of pulling discomfort.  I had part keyhole and one larger approx 7" incision, which have clips.

     I was also worried about surviving the operation, but have come through it well, I am only mid 50's and have no other health conditions.

    Mine was a large primary tumour in the middle of my liver, so they took a wedge out of the front along with the tumour.  I should find out in approx 4 weeks if it is benign or malignant (no biopsy was done prior to surgery, due to its size it had to be removed even if its benign).

    My operation was approx 6 weeks after my scans, however I am down in the southwest of the country, and every area has different waiting times.

    I with you well with your surgery.



  • Hi Annie thanks for the information really helpful i am glad it went well for you I too am in my 50’s I have a grade 1 tumour in my colon and then four metastasis in my liver along with a large benign tumour plan is for resection of right side of liver and removal of one met in my left side along with the colon op waiting to see if they will be done to together or separate found out yesterday from the PET scan that all operable so that’s good. 
    I am hoping because I am healthy don’t smoke or drink that it will help with the op. It’s good to hear you only waited six weeks I’m in north wales so having to go to a hospital in England for my op so things have taken longer due to cross services. I’m so glad to hear you are not experiencing much pain did you have pain before? I have a feeling of pressure and pulling so hoping this will go after the op. 
    take care and thanks for the info

    wendy xx

  • Hi Wendy

    No, I had no pain or symptoms at all.  I had a slightly raised ALP liver reading on blood tests, they monitored it for 6 months, when the level didnt come down I was referred for a routine liver ultrasound, which found a 11cm long x 6cm wide x 6cm high tumour kind of hanging off the centre segment of my liver.  Fast forward to urgent ct & mri scans, but they still couldnt tell if it was benign or cancer.  The position was close to the main artery into my liver, so I think the concern was that because of the size of it, it could compress the blood supply if it wasnt removed.

    It was weird, initially after I was told that it was there I started getting all sorts of aches in the vicinity of my liver, but I think that it was just my mind working overtime, they disappeared again.

    Have you had a pre-op assessment yet?  One really important thing that you can do prior to your operation is to practice lots of deep breathing.  I am quite a shallow breather normally, but I started practicing beforehand, it helps post operative.  Also try to get a decent amount of walking in, hills etc to get your heart working before your op.  In the first few days after your op take all the pain meds that they offer, you need to be able to breathe deeply and get out of bed asap. Your muscles will feel really tight every time that you get up, but the more you move around the easier it gets.  I think the fact that I was so fit before the op is why I have bounced back so well.

    Fatigue is a big thing, I am an early riser so I am usually up at about 6am, then I make sure that I go to bed and lie down for at least 2 hours every day in the early afternoon.  Your liver needs the rest to heal.  I was told that it will be 2-3 months before I really start to feel normal again.

    If you have any other queries, feel free to ask.


  • Wow I bet that was scary good that they dealt with so quick Annie 

    I have a hernia which must have gotten twisted and the pain never went away so initially they were scanning for gall stones due to location of pain the ultrasound picked up the benign tumour in my liver which then lead to MRI and CT scan then referral to Liverpool who picked up from CT mass in colon I’ve had everything cameras everywhere liver biopsy that was really unpleasant a real MOT but luckily all operable could be so much worse if I’d not had the hernia.  I used to do a lot of running and living in wales am surrounded by mountains which are good for keeping fit so thanks for that tip. Not had my pre op yet I had to have a gallium PET scan that I had to travel to London for and was told yesterday that this confirms I can have liver resection and colon operation so presuming that it also means they have not found anything elsewhere so just waiting for Liverpool to get back in touch. I am a really impatient person so everything feels like it’s taken ages condition started last October but since getting past the GPs it’s only been since March. 
    are you bothered if yours comes back as benign or not ? Positive is that they acted which is good 


  • God, of course I am cr*pping it that it might be cancer! 

    I had my ultrasound on 22nd of May through to operation on 6 th August and the only way I could get through it was to convince myself that as all my bloods were good apart from ALP level (they ran markers for liver tumors too which came back negative), that it will be benign.  

    The doctors have naturally told me that even with clear bloods, it could still be cancer.  HOWEVER, I have been scanned from neck to pelvis and nothing else has shown up, so worst case senario is that this will be a primary liver cancer, I can deal with it.  Like you, I count myself very lucky that it has been found, at least they know about it now and it can be dealt with.

    Yes, the fitter you can keep yourself before surgery the better. 

    I also packed the freezer with batch cooked meals for when I got out of hospital, you arent going to want to be doing much cooking, so some healthy freezer meals are a godsend!  It also makes you feel like you are doing something useful with the time that you are waiting.

    I hope that you hear a date for surgery soon.


  • Yeah I think that’s the thing with liver it does not always show up in bloods or LFT. Fingers crossed for you all is well let me know how you get on and thanks again for the advice.

    best wishes 


  • Hi Annie just checking how you are hope all good, surgery for me is going to be beginning of November so will be in hospital for my birthday so no wild party. Glad I have a clear plan now and things are moving


  • Hi Wendy

    Good to hear that you have got a date for surgery now, even though being in hospital for your birthday isnt the best present (mind you, I guess you could argue that it is the best present if it makes you better!)

    I am doing pretty well now, although I have to admit after I wrote my last post to you, my recovery did seem to halt for a couple of weeks.  But to be honest, I think that was just my unrealistic expectations.  A couple of weeks in, my insides got more and more uncomfortable, just felt like it was all really drawing in tight, also some sharp stabbing pains in my side.  All still kept under control with normal painkillers though.  I rang my specialist nurse a few times and she reassured me that it was all pretty normal.  

    I am now 5 weeks post-op and have definately turned a corner, I am now able to go out for a walk for and hour (although still quite slowly), and in the last week have started driving just short distances.  I am still being very careful about what I lift though.

    Still have not received the results of the pathology of my tumour, however a few days ago I received a letter from my local Macmillan Support Centre, offering me a place on a virtual group support session mid sept, as a 'newly diagnosed cancer patient', so I guess I am maybe not quite so positive that its benign as I first thought.  But hey, If that is the case, I have just got to get on with whatever further treatment is required, I still class myself that I am very lucky that it was found at all!  If I havent had a follow up appointment by next week, I will chase them up.

    Keep on with your breathing exercises and get as fit as you can before your op, it really will help you get through it.

    All the best


  • Sorry Wendy,

    I forgot to ask, are they doing the op on your colon at the same time as your liver?


  • Hi Annie glad you are ok and amazing that you have started driving I think I will have to check myself with running before I can walk as I tend to do too much so really conscious of this and expectations that I am superwoman thank you so much for your advice they were impressed I had been hiking up the mountains yesterday so I owe you a thank you for that. Yes they are going to do colon and liver at same time with two surgeons so need to meet the bowel surgeon first as well. Bit scary to think there will be a lot going on at the same time but it makes it quicker and safer apparently rather than doing separate and I agree I am looking at it that it is a good birthday present.
    i️ hope they give you definite results nothing worse than not knowing but you are very lucky they found and dealt with so quickly and it’s gone so take comfort in that. Here anytime you want a chat  family Friend told me the other day (he’s been through bowel cancer) that even though you have family / friends you can still feel alone if they have not been through it even though they are good to speak to and I get that.  Wishing you continued good recovery, stay positive xx
