Recently told I have skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma

I understand my cancer is very mild and apparently not dangerous? But. I went to the Dr's and saw a skin specialist who said straight away he thought it was skin cancer.  He then prescribed some fungal infection cream incase that was all it was. I was told to use it for a few weeks and if it didn't work to make another appointment and he would do a biopsy.  So 3 weeks later did the Online doctors form and I got another appointment for 4 weeks later. I'm now getting a little worried as this is taking too much time. I did try to bring the appointment forward as the patch on my leg was getting bigger.  But I was informed no need. When I attended my appointment he said no need for biopsy I know its cancer and he would prescribe a chemo cream.  I then asked him about a fungal infection I had in my groin and that I had tried various creams etc with little or no result.  He then prescribed s a course of tablets.  I said what about the cream for the cancer and he said ill  contact you in a month to see if the groin infection has gone and maybe the patch on my leg may go. I said aren't you putting me at risk when you were certain my leg has cancer.  No he said.  You could come back in 5 years and you'll be ok.  I am worried and have many questions.  I have something on my scalp too. I didn't even get a full examination.  I don't know what's on my head . Have I reason to be worried or not. Many thanks 

  • Hello Adypoole

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been told you have squamous cell skin cancer. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious and have concerns about the treatment and other possible areas that need checking. 

    We have some information on our website about skin cancer that you may find helpful and will hopefully offer you some reassurance. I'd also suggest giving our team of nurses a call to chat things through with them. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Certainly mention this area on your scalp that you're worried about when you see your GP again in a few weeks. If you still have questions it can sometimes help to put them down in writing for your Dr. 

    Hopefully when you see the GP they will be able to offer you some reassurance about your concerns but do keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator