Lung cancer with liver and bone meta and now pulmonary embolism

Just looking for a bit of advice if anyone has been in a similar situation.

Mum has been diagnosed with lung cancer along with secondary liver and bone mets.

Following another episode of difficulty breathing has been admitted to hospital, where they suspect she may have a pulmonary embolism and she'll get a CT scan tomorrow to investigate further.

she already is on blood thinners and along with COPD has heart arrhythmia. If PE is diagnosed how much of a complication would this been.

cancer was diagnosed at the end of June and  is graded T4 N3 M1c and as yet she hasn't had an appointment with an oncology consultant.

feeling really worried just now.

  • Hi MarioMo,

    I'm sorry to hear of the situation with your Mum - I hope you're able to find out more soon about what's going on.

    I can see you have also posted in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum and received a reply from one of our nurses, which is great. There's not too much more I can add to that but as I say, hopefully you're able to hear more soon.

    In the meantime, I hope the forum can be useful for you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator