Newly diagnosed and scared


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July and have first appointment with the surgeon on Monday. Can anyone tell me what happens in the first appointment. I don't want to have a Prognosis discussion, I can't handle that right now. 

How can I make the most of this appointment without getting totally freaked out x

  • Hi Fizzybomb,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry you haven't received a reply up to now - I see that your appointment is today.

    If you haven't already, make a note of any questions and concerns that you have so that you can talk these through during the appointment. Then you can also make a note of the answers and information you get, to help with remembering things.

    Try to make the most of it by getting the answers you want, and discussing anything you want to know about potential next steps. I know it will be a lot to deal with, but getting as much information as possible will hopefully help with this.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Fizzybomb

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.  Have you seen your Consultant yet or is your surgeon the first appointment since diagnosis? 

    Your surgeon will discuss your options with you regarding surgical treatment, eg lumpectomy, mastectomy and reconstructions options.  They will go through pros and cons of each surgery (and if they don't, have that as one of your questions to ask) and estimated recovery times.  My surgeon drew a little diagram to explain what he was planning to do (I already knew mine was to be a lumpectomy, he was just confirming size and location).  I found my surgeon extremely helpful and friendly and I had a nurse in both my appointments who took me to another room after the surgical consultation to have a chat and ask any other questions/concerns I may have had. 

    I hope this message reaches you before your appointment, but if not, I'm sorry and I hope it went well. 

    If you have any other concerns/questions or you just want to chat, I'm here :)


  • Hi Carol. Thank you very much for your kind reply. The first meeting was with the surgeon only. He explained the surgical options as you suggested he would but I need to have a breast mri first just to be clear there is nothing else lurking. I have the MRI on Tuesday and surgery planned for 30th August.

    Where abouts are you on this journey Carol and how are you feeling?