It's been a mad couple of months.
When I turned 60, I got the bowel cancer screening kit through the post (as I call it the *** on a stick test).
I did it, and it came back positive.
This was followed up by a colonoscopy which showed a malignant polyp.
Had a CT and a PSA test and was booked in for a Sigmoid resection.
The day before, the surgeon phoned me to cancel, as they'd found a couple of problems which indicated probable prostate cancer as well, along with something on my pancreas and a thickened bladder wall.
After the MRI's, biopsies, and a bladder cystoscopy it's confirmed I've also got a 3,4(7) gleason scale prostate cancer and everything else (bladder, pancreas) is weird but ok.
After an initial suspicion that we would go for a "two for the price of one" surgical solution the urology MDT and the colorectal team have decided that it would be too high risk (slicing and splicing both the urethra and colon in close proximity could cause some fistula formation).
So now I'm waiting for the colon surgery, and placing the prostate an active watch until the colon surgery has healed suitably.
Now the waiting is starting to get to me!