Starting chemo any advise

Hi all, 

l am due to start chemo for 18 weeks half a day every 3 weeks and half way through the treatment I will start the drug Herceptin.

Any advise would be helpful I’ve read what to expect but peoples own experiences may be helpful thank you in advance x 

  • Hi, Jane-K, I finished chemo on the 9th of July. I was on EC-T, 3 cycles of EC, then 4 of T (for me this was docetaxel). When I started docetaxel I also was put on Phesgo injections, which are a combination drug including Herceptin. I had minimal side effects when I was on chemo and managed to walk 2 1/2 miles every day. I made sure I eat healthily and stopped all alcohol. Obviously everyone reacts differently when on chemo, but don't just assume you will feel ill. I hope everything goes well for you. Xx

  • Good morning pippin24 hope you are feeling welll and thank you for your reply.

    It’s been a busy few days and I had my oncologist appointment yesterday bit overwhelming as I was told I would continue with the chemo for 12 months so I will have 18 weeks of chemo, Operation 4 weeks later, then continue with chemo every 3 weeks for 12 months. 

    Feels a bit like life will be on hold now for the next year, and I’m quite scared thinking of the journey ahead but know there are sooo many others going through different difficult experiences and lovely to hear all the positive comments x 

    12 months 

  • Hi Jane-K, it does all seem a bit daunting in the beginning. Just to reassure you a bit, I was able to go out and enjoy myself at times, between treatment. We even had a big family party to celebrate my dad's 90th birthday. So your life doesn't have to totally stand still. That does seem a long time to have to be on chemo, but I'm sure you'll be fine, with all the support they give you. I have to remain on the phesgo for 12 months, but not chemo as far as I know. I am due to have surgery in a few weeks, so am going away for a holiday for a couple of weeks to chill out a bit. I'm due to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction, which will rake some time to recover from. Possibly then radiotherapy, depending in pathology results after surgery. So still a long way for me to go too. Try to stay strong and positive, this is how I have coped with it all. Xx

  • That’s lovely you got to celebrate your dads birthday and as you said you have  a long way to go too. I think as I’m still processing yesterdays news and not had the first chemo so not really sure what to expect only what I’ve read. 
    my emotions are all over the place because I’ve been with my partner 20 years and we have our wedding the end of next month. Thank you for your positive vibes and good luck with your surgery we need to beat this and all will together x 

  • Congratulations on your wedding, you have a fantastic day. It will be a lovely distraction for you. Keep in touch snd let me know how you're doing. Xx