Father Diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer

My father was diadnosed 5 weeks with stage 4 stomach cancer which has spread to the liver. He is struggling to eat and has lost a considerable amount of wait and he is losing the fight. He has been told they can offer him chemo but have not said which type when this will happen he has had a biopsy 2 weeks ago to find out the type of cancer and its aggression but again still have not hear anything. He was admittee to to hospital sunday as he hasnt eaten in 6 days and his in dreadful pain. He has pockets of fluid which they say they can drain but have not done anything. They have also said his results from biopsy is still not back which i just find obserd considering the diagnosis and it was supposed to be fast track. When we ask for the nurse to follow up we never hear back. My father as i say is giving up as he hasnt had any help and i am jist concerned hes deteriorating quickly without knowing the facts of his cancer and what they can do to help. We are at a complete lost.

  • Hello Meme123

    I'm sorry to hear about your father's diagnosis and that you've been left waiting for answers whilst he is now in hospital. It's understandably a worrying time for you all and frustrating that your concerns are not being addressed. 

    I'd suggest contacting the hospital PALS team. It's part of their role to help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS and hopefully, they should be able to give you some assistance in getting answers. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator