Ovarian Cancer - found out through the Patient Access app


I've just found out via the Patient Access app that my MRI results are back and the unidentified mass is malignant.

I'm gutted.

I had an appointment with the consultant on Monday (MRI was last Friday) and the results weren't back.  She said she hoped it might be a pedunculated fibroid and that she'd be back in touch with a new appointment to discuss treatment options.  I've not slept for a couple of weeks since the mass was first found on an ultrasound and so I couldn't resist looking at the result on the app because I'd hoped it would conclude there was nothing to worry about and I could get some sleep.

But I got the other answer so am now waiting in limbo for the call from someone to bring me back in to tell me the news I already know.

I am so grateful to the nurse who spotted my coil strings were missing because without her insisting I had an ultrasound to locate it, I'd be wandering around blissfully unaware that this was happening.  When I'd spoken to my GP that I was having all sorts of related symptoms I was told it was likely perimenopause - but if I wasn't having hot flushes, it probably wasn't that either.

I have a daughter who is 14 and I can't bear the thought of her losing me after losing three grandparents in the last few years, and her father walking out on her, after she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 10.

Just hanging it out here as I don't know who else to speak to. 


  • Aw bless you, any cancer diagnosis is extremely worrying. I think once you know for sure it's easier to handle than the not knowing. I had such a dreadful time waiting for my results and all that time they were sat in my nhs app and I never knew. Cancer treatment is so much more advanced now and once you've talked to your consultant you can get a treatment plan in place. I remember years ago having strange problems and thought 'perimenopause' but as I had no hot flushes they said no. So.... went through perimenopause, menopause and now on anastrozole for breast cancer and still no hot flushes. My mum never had them either. That nurse deserves a clap on the back, she certainly did you a favour ! Don't write yourself off, there's loads of treatment out there. Maybe get on the phone and see if the consultant can squeeze you in on a cancellation. I wish you all the best x

  • Ah thanks for replying. I really appreciate it. I've grasped the mettle and emailed to see if they have any appointments sooner xx