In shock: I have a malignant growth at the bottom of my oesophagus

Attended A&E a week ago with some pain that GP had fobbed off, multiple tests later and consultant shared the news that I have a malignant growth at the bottom of my eosophagus, with spread to my liver and lymph nodes in both lungs. There is no cure. I am 46, and less that 2 years ago had endoscopy which was completely clear. 
telling my husband and kids was heartbreaking and I’ve not yet had time to wrap my own head around this. Can’t help but wonder if things would be different if GP had actually bothered listening. Waiting now for MDT meeting on Friday to discuss treatment options for comfort rather than cure. 
everything was going so well, perfect new job, kids happy, and about to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, think job will be first casualty, only been there a month. 

unsure what to expect, no idea how to hold my family together in the face of this, not sure my instinctive will to fight will help, not sure how I cope with not being able to work. 
apologies for rambling, head is all over. 

  • I went to the doctors because I had a hardening on either side of my stomach,mine turned out to be stomach cancer which had already spread to my bones,like you no cure.

    nhs has been absolutely marvellous and their care is outstanding and I’m sure it will be the same for you,the aim is to keep you alive for as long as possible,I have had 6 weeks of treatment and waiting to hear results of ct scan to see how I’m doing,I’m hoping for good news that the cancer has stopped growing,I live in hope!

    don’t give up,like you I had an endoscopy 13 months prior which was cancer free.

    best of luck to you don’t give up

  • Hi there,

    What a shock for you, life can be derailed at any time. I just wanted to say that cancer is treated the same as being disabled and your employment rights are enhanced and protected. I can't remember the exact details but do look into it. Receiving this diagnosis is not the end for you, many people continue to work and live with their cancer like a chronic condition that is managed. Obviously everyone is different but the NHS will do everything possible to prolong your life and although at the moment everything is in turmoil, you can still enjoy your life. Wishing you all the very best x

  • Hi 

    That is awful news and I'm so sorry.  I too was diagnosed with cancer just 3 weeks into a new job.  As  says, your job is protected and you cannot be dismissed or fired just because you have cancer.  MacMillan have some amazing information booklets that set out your rights and how to work with your employer to help you discuss any adjustments you may needs; special equipment, flexible hours, light duties, etc, whatever is appropriate for your role. 

    I was lucky as my employer was excellent and very supportive right from day one.  They may surprise you.  Talk to them and be open and honest.  Your job is legally protected, so don't be afraid. 

    Good luck and will be thinking of you.
