Bob the Bus Driver - newly diagnosed with prostate cancer

Hi All, am new to this site, having recently been diagnosed. I am a fit and active 72 year old, have no symptoms,(as yet), and only started on this pathway as a result of having a PSA test at a Lions Charity event, (really an excuse to get out for a beer with my mate!).

That came back with an elevated 11.2 score, re-test at Doctors gave an 8.42. GP completed DRE, and found prostate was enlarged. MRI showed prostate measured 22mL, which gives a high PSA density of 0.38. It suggested that the left peripheral zone was an area of concern, but that there were no obvious areas of concern elsewhere. Overall scoring was PI-RAD 5 Likert 5, T2/T3A NO

So, off for biopsy........not a procedure I can recommend.......but if it saves your life! 21 samples, 8 of which demonstrated Gleason 4+3=7, grade group 3 prostate cancer. 

So off for more scans.......CT and bone.......showed no evidence of spread.

Met with Consultant, doing nothing is not an option, as it is aggressive . Options offered:-

a)   Radical surgery (Local hospital)

b)   Hormone and EB Radiotherapy (Local hospital)

c)   Brachytherapy (Manchester)

d)   HIFU (Birmingham)

Have researched extensively, and am favouring the Brachytherapy option as:-

Less restrictions after, as opposed to surgery

Less chance of incontinence problems

Less hassle than 4 weeks of EBR

HIFU limited details on long-term success.

Consultant, understandably, reluctant to recommend an option. Would welcome feedback on my opinions and any practical experiences.

Many thanks, Bob.

  • Hi Bob,

      a warm welcome.

    I was diagnosed with Gleason 9 PSA 11.5 T3A two years ago, seem to remember he did mentioned the kitchen sink.....

    First were the slow release hormone injections, every six months.

    Next off was SpacOr Gel, couldn't do it, some obstruction so had a colonoscopy, nothing serious.

    Then the fun started, if you didn't enjoy your biopsy........wait for HDR!

    Inserted gold markers at the time, lined up for my 25 sessions of external beam radiation therapy.

    I have felt uncomforable, exhausted, angry, lost my sex drive and everything that goes with it, loose bowels during EBR and urgency to go, still a slight issue.

    And the reason this route was chosen was that I was not incontinent, and still am not, I do pee a lot but usually only once a night, his reasoning: why add another level of misery?

    Happy I went that route, will be on hormones for another 14 months, would love my sex life back, or for at least one night ;-)

    Good luck with which ever choice you make,


  • Thanks for the reply and info Justin. Hope things improve for you soon!


  • Hi Bob and Jason, Don't take this as Gospel, but I was advised by a top Consultant that if you have started slow release hormone therapy, the prostate (and the cancer) may shrink to a degree that Bracky is not an option as they inject multiple pellets and there is a danger that some may escape outside the capsule. Justin, I am about to start  External BR. I was told it should be a breeze, yet you seem to have had a bit of a nightmare!!! Any more details please Dave

  • Dave,

    I was still working full time running my business during my treatment, unfortunately I was pushed to the limit a few times with everything that was happening to me. I certainly wouldn't say it was a breeze, kept waiting a few times and having to lie still for 20 minutes, empty bowels, sometimes that occured naturally without warning. 

    At the time I wished I could have sat back and taken it easy but that was not an option, now I'm glad I didn't, I still have a physically demanding job that keeps me motivated and determined to win, keep head down and get on....

    It's 18 months since my radiation and 10 months into my 24 months of Aberaterone and my last of six slow release hormone injection is in Jan, PSA is now undetectable.

    Chr!st knows what they have in store for me next when that's all finished..
