Bladder Cancer, TURBT and MRI scans


My husband was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer we were told it had been caught in the early stages and the cancer is small (10mm). He had the TURBT op 10 days ago.

We thought that this would be all that would be needed until his checkup at either 6 weeks or 3 months.

Today he had a phone call from the hospital booking him in for a MIR scan on Saturday (in 2 days time). This has come as a massive shock, we are both thinking the worse.

Our mood has gone from very optimistic as today he removed the catheter and has managed to urinate, from very pessimistic regarding the MRI scan & why he needs it.

Has anyone else had to havr a MRI following a TURBT?

Thanks for reading.

  • Hello Susan-MS

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband has recently been diagnosed with bladder cancer and that following his recent TURBT procedure he was asked to attend for an MRI today. It's understandable that you're both feeling anxious about what this may mean. 

    It's not uncommon for further tests to be requested following a diagnosis or initial treatment procedure. Although much easier said than done, please try not to overthink this. There could be any number of reasons for the scan request and indeed it may even have been requested before his TURBT and simply that there was a cancellation available today which was why you received the phone call. 

    It would be unusual for you to get any clarification or answers at the appointment today so I'd suggest giving his cancer nurse specialist a call on Monday. They should be able to give you some information about why the MRI was requested and hopefully, some reassurance that will help you both feel more positive about things. 

    If there's anything you want to talk through with one of our nurses you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Do let us know how you both get on Susan. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks for the reply. He has received a date for the MRI scan in the post today. It is in 9 days time. I was a bit concerned to see that it is a liver scan, didn't expect this as the cancer is in his bladder. He also has not been allocated a cancer nurse, maybe that will happen at his follow up appointment.

    Thanks for your help.