Worried about waiting

When told of the diagnosis, the message I took away from that meeting with doctor and cancer support nurse was the sooner we get everything done the sooner we start treatment.Your appointment at hospital with consultant is already been sent for to get it done aspe Before you leave book your blood appointment for day after tomorrow when you bring your urine collection in. The meeting to do the genes test Braca 1/2, the sooner it's done the better. As soon as I signed consent for chemo, I'll get this sent off now electronically, you should quickly get phone appointment or actual appointment to see pre op nurse, then short while  after start the chemo.

I took that to mean a week at most, especially "if we're notified at beginning of week you'll start by end of week." Now I've rung up today after the electronic form being sent Friday afternoon to be told I've taken it too literally that the form probably won't get through for 10-14 days. Since I was told 11June they were pretty sure I'd got cancer and needed biopsy and bowel camera plus a second cat scan doing. It seems to be a long time of waiting when it's been emphasized how quick they're hoping to move. Also pain in right side is getting worse despite staying on the painkillers as advised.

I feel very much in limbo, foolish for being so literal about speed and anxious about the wait for starting to treat this. I don't like being a pest, but I don't want to be the idiot that's quietly waiting and being patient only to be forgotten, which has happened on other issues time and again. It's my life were mucking up here. As a carer for a father with dementia, I know how often you can be "fobbed"" off because it's not in someijob remit, or you've misunderstood, or you should have spoke up sooner. 

It's frightening being at the mercy of the ebb and flow of others.

  • Hello AprilMay

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that you've been left in the difficult period of waiting for longer than the hospital team initially led you to believe. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be difficult and it's natural that you have questions and concerns. 

    Please do contact your cancer support nurse or the hospital PALS team to try and get some answers and reassurance about things. 

    If it would help to chat things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm for some support and advice. 

    I do hope that you have an update from the  hospital team soon and that you can begin treatment. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator