Ovarian cancer confirmed today

Hello,I am under 40 and had a full hysterectomy at the end of June due to a large suspicious ovarian cyst. I was busy worrying about menopause symptoms but today I went for my 4 week check and was told it was cancerous and stage 2B. They found some cells had spread to my pelvic region.

I am having a CT scan of my chest tomorrow to check for any spreading and see the Oncologist next week and will have chemotherapy.

It's a lot to process as I was just starting to feel like myself again after the surgery. I am obviously scared it has spread. Scared about the chemotherapy and how it will make me feel and if I will feel well enough between treatments to continue working. It's a lot to process.

  • Hello there. My wife was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer earlier this year and has just finished her six rounds of chemotherapy where it was found on the surface of her liver and in her abdominal cavity. She had responded well to the treatment and is now starting on an immunotherapy drug. The important thing which I have repeatedly told my wife is not to be scared or feel anxious as this is treatable and possibly curable as well. Six months has elapsed since she was first diagnosed and all the symptoms that she had have all gone away and her tumour marker tests have all shown to be normal. Also remember that if the cancer is found elsewhere then the chemotherapy will destroy the cancer wherever it is in the body as it is given into the blood stream. The important thing to remember is do not give up hope (these oncology doctors know what they are dealing with) and although chemotherapy may sound scary, it is still possible to live a near normal life although tiredness and fatigue are the main symptoms and clinical nurses are available 24 hours a day.

    I have posted up the progress of my wife's ovarian cancer treatment and things are looking a lot more positive from a few months ago. I am sure that your treatment will have a successdul outcome as well.