Oesophageal Cancer


I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer 3 months ago. It was early and only picked up as one of the tumours had attached itself to an ulcer at the bottom of my oesophagus which subsequently bled leading to a scope etc.

turns out it’s in a lymph node in the stomach and closely connected.

I can’t even be bothered to finish this note as I’m so exhausted from chemo and radiotherapy. The fatigue is starting to take its toll a biit

i finish chemo (paclitaxel & carboplatin) in 3 weeks which will be 8 weekly cycles plus the radio which will 23 cycles or Zaps as I call them. 
then a few weeks recovery then scans and the big op. Oesophagectomy.

has any anyone had a similar journey to me ?

feeling a bit lost


  • Hi KatieAngel,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I hope you're getting on OK - I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with the fatigue.

    I'm sure this will be something others can relate to on here, so hopefully you'll get some more replies soon. My reply here will give your post a little boost so a few more people should see it.

    You can also browse or search the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other discussions and people to connect with, if you'd like to.

    I hope that the forum can be of some help to you. Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator