Recently diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma

Hi I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 melenoma it's spread from an original site from 8 years ago its now in the lymph node in my groin. I have my op on 22 August to remove all lymph nodes from the site and I'm so scared it'll spread before the op. I then start immunotherapy by iv drip. Has anyone got any experience of this and if it affected them. I'm worried as its a year and it'll affect me working 

  • Hello Sally22, 

    It won't be too long now until your operation to remove the affected lymph nodes and it's totally understandable that you are feeling worried that it might spread before the operation - do talk to your doctor or specialist about these fears as I am sure they will find the right words to reassure you and address your concerns. Learning that your melanoma has spread from the original site 8 years on must be rather unsettling and there's also the worry about how long the treatment will take and how it will affect your work life. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and I thought I would point you in the direction of a couple of threads and members who might be beneficial and help you with the journey ahead as they have themselves been through something similar recently. 

    A few months ago,  posted their stage 3 metastatic melanoma thread  - this member was also going to have immunotherapy so it might be a good person to connect as is the lovely  who also had stage 3 melanoma and knows a lot about the subject from her own personal experience dealing with melanoma since 2009.  was also diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma a few months ago and you can read their story in their Melanoma Stage 3 thread

    I hope that you'll be chatting away soon on this forum to other members who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment plan. You're definitely not alone and I will now let them come and say hello and share their melanoma experiences with you. 

    Best of luck with your treatment Sally22 and keep strong - we're all here for you. 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie I have sent some friend requests its really good to connect with others going through the same as I am 

  • Hi Sally,

    Thank you for your friend request which I've accepted. I'm not active in the forum due to family care issues but I'm happy for you to message me and I will reply over the weekend. Try not to panic. I had to wait over 3 weeks for my surgery and it hadn't spread during that time. You also have the added treatment of immunotherapy that wasn't around when I was diagnosed so you are in good hands.

  • Thanks Angie really appreciate your reply x