Breast cancer

Stage 3 breast cancer with lymph node involvement scared 

  • Hi Rubycube,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry to hear why you're here.

    A cancer diagnosis is always scary and it's something that all of us hope to never have to face. Have you been told what type of breast cancer you have and what treatment is planned for you? I lost my Mum to breast cancer and have since had 2 bouts myself. One thing that I will say is that I have witnessed first hand, how much treatments have improved in the interval between. My diagnosis was 15 years ago and I still live a busy and fulfilling life. I found that my surgeries were not nearly as scary, as I'd imagined them to be. Treatment was trying, but "doable".

    I sincerely hope that all goes well for you and that you have a good support network around you. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Ruby cube I have stage 2 breast cancer with lymph nodes I started my treatment 18th July 4 EC than 4 Pacxtail I have my 2nd treatment of EC this thursday i was scared but its not as scary as i though it would be you will be fine x

  • Hi Rubycube,

    Have you got a treatment plan in place yet?

    Thinking of you and hoping that things are moving forward.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I have the same. Stage 3 grade 3 but only 1 lymph node had cancer. I had a Mastectomy, lymph node removal (17) and reconstruction 4 weeks ago. I’m recovering well but very tired. I’m waiting on oncotype dx results on Monday to see if I need chemo or not. I’m 54. Definitely will be out on hormone therapy. Yes it’s a very scary journey. Try to take one day at a time although at times I find that hard

    do. Sleep is a big problem for me. You will be through this. Hope you are a bit further forward in having surgery or treatment now? Sending positivity and reassurance to you 

  • Hi   

    I was Stage 3, Grade 3 also but thankfully no lymph node involvement.  I had breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy), 4 rounds of Docetaxel/Carboplatin followed by 4 rounds of EC, all in conjunction with immunotherapy.  I was diagnosed last September and started treatment in October.  Chemo finished in March with surgery in April and continuing immunotherapy until November this year.  It's been a tough road, but it is doable and you will have good and bad days.  I was able to work most of the time throughout my treatment (I work from home, otherwise it probably wouldn't have been possible) and found the fatigue and nausea the worst things to deal with for me, but they only tended to last for the first 5-7 days after treatment and then I would perk up a bit (my treatment was every 3 weeks). 

    I hope you have a treatment plan now and you're feeling a little more reassured.  It is scary but with support from friends, family and your oncology team, you will get through this. 

    Remember to use this forum, it was/still is a great help to me, even if I didn't always contribute.


  • Omg you have certainly been through it all. I hope you are feeling a lot better now? Thanks for your reply. It will be another week before I have my treatment plan. I think the waiting is nearly the most stressful. I’m usually a very strong person and I know once I know what lays ahead I’ll have to get on with it. I really hope you are making a full recovery. Xx

  • Hi   I am definitely feeling a lot better.  I have recently completed 9 rounds of radiotherapy which was all fine.  I'm due to start ibandronic acid soon but am very apprehensive about the side effects and tablet regime. I'm seeing my consultant (or more likely one of his registrars!) next week, so I will raise my concerns with him then.  I understand there's an option to have infusions rather than daily tablets, so I want to ask him about that too.  Here's hoping your treatment plan comes through soon. I think once you know what you're facing, you can better prepare yourself for it.  Good luck with everything! xx

  • Ah Thank you. I hope all goes well for you and you don’t have nasty side effects from your treatment. Yes maybe infusions would be easier. It’s always good to ask. Fingers crossed it all works out well for you. Take Care xx