Hi. What is the standard waiting time for gallbladder biopsy results to come back?
Hi. What is the standard waiting time for gallbladder biopsy results to come back?
I am not sure about gallbladder, but I saw a surgeon last week regarding having a tumour removed from my liver, he told me that results would take approx 6 weeks to come back from testing to see if its benign or malignant. (I am in Cornwall, not sure what other areas of the country are like).
Thanks for the speedy reply Annie.
Though my consultant had mentioned 2 weeks
If your consultant said 2 weeks, I would imagine that is what it will be, as I said different areas go by different time scales.
Hope that you get your results quickly.
Thanks. I hate the waiting! On day 12 now
Hope it goes well for you
My results from the biopsy on my lung cancer took 10 days. Life in Nottinghamshire, I think things do vary quite a lot depending on location!