Vocal Cord Cancer - has anyone had chemo and radiotherapy for this? If so, what were the side effects like?

I have recently been diagnosed with vocal cord cancer and need to chat/message with someone who is or has gone through chemo and radiotherapy treatments and the side effects, and is it possible to go through the treatment without the need of a feeding tube.

  • Hi JBOY, 

    I hope that you will connect with others here who have been diagnosed with vocal cord cancer - I think the other name for it is laryngeal cancer and I've had a little look on our forum and found this laryngeal cancer thread which is very old but  replied to it 4 months ago and would therefore be a good person for you to connect with as they had radiotherapy for vocal chord cancer.  also posted a laryngeal cancer thread a year ago so you are not alone and I hope that you will hear from others who had chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the same cancer and that they will tell you more about the side effects they themselves experienced - though it is worth bearing in mind that everyone reacts differently to treatment. 

    You can also use our forum search at the top and type 'laryngeal cancer' and you will see quite a few past threads on the subject and don't hesitate to respond to any that you feel would be relevant to you. 

    I hope this helps a little and I wish you the very best of luck for your treatment. 

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator