Thickening of gall bladder wall and large gallstone

Cat scan back in December 23 picked up a lung cancer 

right lower lobe lung removed with no other treatment needed

the ct scan also picked up something in my gall bladder, already knew I had stones

recent mri has revealed thickening of the gall bladder wall and a large gallstone. Is this a cancer, will I be cured?

  • Hi Sunflower59,

    Unfortunately it's very difficult to advise on this - only your doctor can do this, and after any tests that may be needed.

    It sounds like you are waiting to hear more and perhaps have an appointment coming up. I hope that it's not long to wait for this and that you get the information you need soon.

    In the meantime if others here have any similar experience to share then hopefully you'll get some more replies.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator