HER 2 Positive Oestrogen Positive

Morning all, 

Yesterday  was a blurr as I was told I had HER 2 cancer and I’m Oestrogen positive. 
The route forward now is meeting with my Oncologist, having a MRI scan and heart scan before I start 18 weeks of chemotherapy which will be 6/7 half days and I’m to start Herceptin half way through ….. all this before an Op can be done. 
Im told the Lymph nodes are free which is good  - if anyone has/is going through this I’d love to hear from you as it’s such a lot to take it.

Thank you x 

  • Hi Jane-K, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it's such a worrying time. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January and am also HER2 positive, oestrogen positive and progesterone positive. I started EC-T chemo in March and finished in July. I felt quite well throughout with minimal side effects. On the second part of the chemo I also started phesgo injections ( I think this is a combination of herceptin and something else), which have also been fine. I've tried to be as positive as possible, eat healthily,  cut alcohol and drink plenty of water.I have also been walking 2 1/2 miles daily, even on the say after my chemo. This was a goal I set for myself at the start of ttreatment.I realise chemo does affect people differently and that I have been fortunate. Try not to assume it will be awful, that is not always the case. My next step is a mastectomy in a few weeks, as I have two tumours and 1 lymph node affected. I will be having reconstruction done at the same time. I may need radiotherapy following surgery too, plus hormone blockers for some years after. In the beginning, when having biopsies and waiting for results, my anxiety levels were really high. I made a decision that I couldn't live for months in a state of high anxiety. So I decided I needed to change my mindset and adopt a positive attitude. It does help that my hubby is a very positive person and has been very supportive. I have felt quite relaxed throughout my treatment so far and still go out and enjoy myself. I am obviously nervous about the upcoming surgery, but hoping to go away on holiday for a couple of weeks beforehand, which will be a distraction. If you have any questions I'm always here and wish you well on your journey. Xx

  • Thank you for such a lovely positive reply it is such a lot to take in and feels surreal and very helpful to hear others have/are going through the same and how they doing. I think we’re all nervous of the unknown and go around with a tummy feeling like a washing machine but your kind words have really helped. Could I ask were you offered a lumpectomy at all? 
    We had a holiday abroad booked for 10 days in September but we shall cancel. I wish you a lovely break away are you going somewhere where nice? 
    I would love to hear back from you as you continue your treatment take care x 

  • Hi Jane-K, because I had two tumours, some other breast tissue showing cancer cells, plus a lymph node affected a lumpectomy wasn't really an option. The surgeon said it was such a large area affected  that a mastectomy would be best. When I saw the surgeon on Thursday she said that surgery was unlikely to be before September, as I have to meet up with the plastic surgeon too and they have to both be available for the surgery. I mentioned that I had a holiday booked since last year to Gran Canaria, which I was going to cancel. She seems to think I'll probably be able to go, but I'll see what the plastic surgeon says. I was told that the chemotherapy wotked really well and the tumours had shrunk, they could no longer be felt when examined.It also worked extremely well on lymph node area and I no longer need full clearance, just 5 or 6 nodes, which I'm pleased about. I'm more than happy to keep in touch and feel free to ask any questions you have. Take care. Xx