
I am a previous triple negative breast cancer patient. Diagnosed Dec 21 an̈d last treatment was Oct 23 when I had my 2nd mastectomy for prevention. 

4 weeks ago just over, I bent down to stroke my puppy and broke my neck! I won't discuss treatment received by 111,999 or 1st hospital as things were awful and will be taken further once I'm up to it.

Ì have had my c1 and c2 vertebrae fused with metal work and it's healing well, however during a CT they have discovered an enlarged lymph node, 2 spots on my liver and a 23x20 lump in my upper lung. My orthopaedic surgeon thinks tHe broken bone is cancerous too. Biopsies were taken fr0m the lymph node. 

To say I'm petrified is an understatement and my MDT team meeting was either today or Monday n̈ext week so should get results then. However, all new areas found are on the same side as my previous cancer. 

I'm 49 and emotions are everywhere!