Failed Implant Reconstruction - DIEP option

Was diagnosed with Invasive lobular cancer in March 2024.

In April I had mastectomy with sentinel node removal and immediate reconstruction using silicon implant.

In May i had full node clearance as sentinel node was positive - as my breasr wound was not healing i also had re-excision of breast.

June brought more problems with the wound developing pinholes and leaking seroma. This resulted in more surgery on the wound.

Here we are in July and wound has developed more holes and again leaking seroma. My consultant has said there is nothing surgically she can do to help the wound.  

My options now are to go flat or DIEP surgery.

I am so conflicted. I know I am so lucky to not require further treatment and the spread was restricted to my nodes.

I had set my mind on being reconstructed but have not been pain free for the last 3 months and am exhausted! 

Could anyone help with their experience of DIEP, including recovery time etc. I am open to honest opinions regarding good/bad results.

Thank you so much.

  • Hello Gaillouise,

    Thank you for posting. It sounds like you've been through a lot since your diagnosis in March, and it's completely understandable to feel conflicted about your next steps.

    While I can't offer medical advice, I hope others here who have faced similar decisions can share their experiences and offer some guidance. In the meantime, you might find this link about breast reconstruction using body tissue helpful.

    The other thing I wanted to mention is that if you feel that speaking to someone with a medical background might help, please know our team of nurses are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on this freephone 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you all the best, 

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, sorry to hear you have had these problems. 
    I had my mastectomy and reconstruction 14 weeks ago. The wound on my tummy is very large, it looks like a smile with two big cheeks at each side. It goes all the way across. It’s still very uncomfortable, I massage oil into it every day. But if I bump my tummy on anything it is painful. The breast healed really well, other than being smaller and having a flap of skin where my nipple was it ok. Again I have to massage it every day to reduce the bumpiness of the fat tissue. I have problems with my right hip and  leg due to the pulling through of the vein and the mesh. I had a ct scan this week to see what is happening. My surgeon said in 5 years time people with this operation tend to be happiest with the result. I keep that in my mind as it’s been pretty tough getting back to being able to walk my dog and this week I managed to ride horse for the first time. I am very lucky to have had a good family and friend network around me to help out. I had a blood clot in my arm which meant painful injections for 30 days into my thighs. These actually made me cry sometimes as they were so painful. 
    I am on a Facebook group for horse riders with breast cancer. Many of them are opting to go flat. I can understand why as this has been a very big operation with a long recovery time. On the bright side I now have a flat tummy and I can fit in clothes from 6 years ago before I developed the menopause belly fat. 
    Wishing you well. Suzie x 

  • Thank you so much for your reply and not sugar coating it.

    I just think maybe my body needs a break, but at the same time think just get it over and done with. I am still not healed and face further surgery so maybe better to get DIEP done now rather than another surgery later. 

    Have appointment with consultant on Wednesday so will discuss options with her then.

    Thanks again.