Newly diagnosed with DCIS Intermediate and petrified

Hello everyone x

I had a routine Mammogram on 1st July.

I then attended a callback appointment on the 11th July where I was told I had a dense area in my left breast. At the same appointment I had an examination, an ultrasound and 3 core biopsy’s taken under local anaesthetic, followed by a further mammogram.

On 18th July I attended my biopsy results appointment and was given my diagnosis. DCIS Intermediate.

I’m having a breast conserving lumpectomy for 30mm DCIS removal with a margin border of normal breast tissue included on the 31st July and will then have Radiotherapy treatment after.

Since diagnosis I’m either walking around in a trance, or getting so anxious I’m suffering terrible panic attacks. I’m so petrified I can’t function.

I’m also experiencing headaches, tummy aches, a cough and breast pain (both) that I didn’t have before my diagnosis. I’m telling myself that the pains must mean that I’m riddled with Cancer and then what if it’s not found and I’m sent home after my DCIS treatment riddled with Cancer.

I know it sounds ridiculous but I just can’t help what this is doing to me mentally.

My husband has been wonderful and so patient with my crazy behaviour, but at the same time is telling me that my pains are anxiety related, but what if he’s wrong.

I’m trying to keep busy and get my head together, but it’s consuming my mind with the worst case scenario.

  • I imagine each and everyone of us can relate to this. I had a stiff neck and shoulders, headache (obviously brain cancer), I had a constant cough with a tight chest and out of breath (obviously lung cancer), convinced myself i was riddled from head to toe, all of it..... stress ! As soon as I had my lumpectomy and got my results, everything vanished. Health anxiety is terrible. I felt like a pressure cooker, ready to explode. Worst anxiety I've ever suffered in my life. The waiting game is torture, every step leads to another wait, but it all leads to the end game and hopefully getting cancer free. You absolutely do not sound ridiculous !! It's all such a shock, it happens to others, it doesn't happen to us. It's a nasty little wake up call and scares the bejesus out of us. Don't beat yourself up, you aren't doing crazy behaviour you're just having a normal reaction to a terrible, terrifying shock so be kind to yourself. Find something that works for you to help you get your mind of it, breathing techniques, listening to audio books (that was mine), meditation, movies, books ? Sending a virtual hug and wishing you short waiting times x

  • Thank you so much for your understanding and kind reply xx

  • I am so glad I came across your post. I have posted something similar so I know exactly what you are going through. I have another week to wait for the results of my biopsies, but the consultant seemed pretty convinced it was cancer. I had 2 biopsies done in my breast (2 lumps) and one in my lymph node which looked enlarged on the scan, so now I am convinced it has spread through my lymph nodes all through my body. Like you, since the biopsy day, I have had painful shoulders and neck (muscle pain) and a feeling like my chest is tight and I cant breath in properly. The sensible side of my brain is telling me it cant be lung cancer as why would the symptoms all show in the last week! Its much more likely that having your arms above your head when the biopsies were done and being very tense has made the muscles sore, but that doesnt stop your brain going into overdrive. I keep imagining them saying they can't do anything and I've only got 6 months, but I feel fit and healthy apart from a little tiredness (I have just been diagnosed with anemia). 

    Its a horrible time and whilst I will be glad to get the results in one way, as its better than waiting for them, I am also dreading what they are going to say, so I dont think you are ridiculous at all, as I feel exactly the same.