Triple A negative Breast Cancer

Hi All

Lorka here. I am just wondering how long after a lumpectomy for triple A negative cancer have you waited for chemotherapy.  I had the lumpectomy the end of may and I still have no date for chemo. 

Many Blessings To You All. 


  • Hi Lorka

    I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer not sure what Triple A Negative is but I'm having intence 6 months worth of chemotherapy before surgery with Immunotherapy 

    I'd contact your consultant or go on your app and ask the nurse if you don't have these contact Macmillian helpline they can help 

  • Thank you so much for your reply Danibear. I really appreciate that you got back to me

    Many Blessings 

  • Hi Lorka

    I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in April this year and started 8 rounds of chemo at the beginning of May.  Following this I've to have surgery and then radiotherapy.  Its a long road but I wish you well. 

  • Hi Sixtyeight

    I got diagnosed in April this year too, I've just had my 10 week of chemotherapy so two more of this one then I'm starting the EC, My BACA gene test came back negative which is amazing 

    I hope the Chemotherapy treatment is going well for you and I wish you well.

  • Hi Lorka

    That's OK, I can honestly say I know what you are going through and it's hard not knowing.

    Did you get the information you was looking for.

    Many Blessings to you too 

  • This is the first forum I've joined and I feel ready now to hear from other people going through the same thing.  I've just had to change from fortnightly chemo sessions to weekly as they had to reduce the dose because the side effects were so bad.   This seems to be working.

    Thank you for replying 


  • Hi Danibear

    The first lot of chemo went well with almost no side effects other than tiredness but this time has been different.  I used to be fortnightly but they've had to change it to weekly so they could lower the dose as the side effects were to much to deal with and this seems to be working better.  I can't wait to finish the chemo and have the surgery and radiotherapy so I can start to look forward to getting back to some sort of normality, whatever that may be.

    Thank you for responding and I wish you well too. 


  • Good Morning to Danibear and Sixtyeight 

    Thank you both for your replies. I'm happy you both are doing better and things are looking up for you. 

    I will meet with the oncology team on Monday and go from there . I finally got a letter from them . I'm not  looking forward to what's ahead but find myself thinking I'm lucky to be able to have the treatment . I wish so many good things for you both.  Someday we will look back on this when we finish treatment and think of all we have been through and be proud of ourselves.

    I know our choices are limited but we can help others with our knowledge as you both are doing for me. 

    Much appreciation to you both and a million blessings.  

     XX ️ XX

  • Offline in reply to Lorka

    Good Afternoon Girls. 

    I was at the hospital last Monday and they told me I would start chemo after the 13th.  

    I feel it's all a very long wait although I did have my op the end of May and a blast of radiation.   I just want it to start in order for it to be over. I'm paranoid it will start somewhere else.  I have to say I was very ignorant re breast cancer. I didn't know there were different types. 

    Not so ignorant now !

    I hope you are both doing well as I hope everyone on this site is also.

    Many Blessings to you all. How nice it would be to be away on holiday with beautiful weather 

     Blessings  from Ireland