Breast cancer stage 1 grade 3

Hi everyone I’m 44 yrs and have been fit and healthy all my life - I don’t drink or smoke either so being told that at first I had DCIS was a shock and a range of emotions from why me?? And crying all the time became my new norm. Although they said the biopsy’s I had were showing no cancer,  Due to the amount of microclacifications I was advised to have a mastectomy which I did have 5 weeks ago and had breast reconstruction after. I went back the hospital on Monday and was then told that after biopsy of the entire breast there was a 20mm cancer found grade 3, lymph nodes were clear.  Again I think I must have PTSD over getting results because nothing has been simple in my journey and I just feel devastated that I’m going through this whilst having young children. I’m now awaiting further tests to see what treatment I will need - I’ve been told my cancer is ER positive so will defo need hormone tablets but waiting for the further test to see if I need chemo - I really can’t bare all this waiting and disappointment at results - I really don’t want chemo and I’m crying writing this - I don’t know what the outcome will be but just wondered if anyone else had a similar diagnosis and what treatment you had xx

  • Hi Luna. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you are going through this. My journey is a little different. I found a lump and had a 44mm Grade 1 ER+ tumour. I had it removed surgically with a LICAP flap on 26th June. I'm waiting for the post op biospy results. They are hoping I can just had radiotherapy.  I am 39 and have a 5 and 7 year old. It's scary for all of us. 

    Keep positive as much as you can as a positive mindset is important.  Keep in touch. Xx

  • Hi Luna, sorry you are going through this. My case is similar, Nov 23 lump found and being told it was dcis. Had it removed …Then biopsy said there were 2 invasive lumps within it. Grade 2. Clear margins. 2nd operation to check lmph nodes… all clear. I had 9 rounds of radio therapy and I’m taking tamoxifen for 5 years at least. HR positive. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, some days are harder than others but there is so much support out there. We are kicking cancers ***!! Xx