

I had s large scc tumour removed from my forearm along with a skin graft on the 4th June.

I was told to go back in 6 weeks for my review.

I have recently been given the date. 14th August.

Could this mean no news is good news?

I have prepared myself for the worst.

My tumour started off what looked like a boil but quadrupled in size within a month. It was very aggressive and was fast tracked to have it removed without a biopsy.

I was diagnosed after the surgery on my discharge notes.

I have since seen other small nodules on my other arm and thigh.

I have been told by my dr to mention it on my visit.

I'm just left with anxiety not knowing the stage and if it is spreading

  • Hello Sshgirlie

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been through surgery for a SCC. It's understandable that this is an anxious time while you're waiting to see the specialists and natural that you're feeling worried about other small areas that you've noticed. 

    I presume from your post that you've mentioned these new concerns to your GP who has advised you to tell the team when you see them next month. If this is the case then you can always give the dermatology clinical nurse specialist, or secretary a call to let them know about your concerns and see if a new appointment can be arranged. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm for some advice and support. 

    Hopefully you'll be able to get some reassurance from the hospital team soon about the area that you've had removed, and these new concerns that you have. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator